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  • Loren Withey

Exploring past BCS students’ new uni life…

Recently, ex Buxton Community Sixth Form student, and former editor of the Buxton Bugle, Leila Parker-Heath, has entered a new chapter of her life through attending Cardiff University. Leila was a keen history student and has thusly chosen to study Politics and International Relations at Cardiff University.

During Leila’s Year 12 work experience, she met Ruth George, ex-Labour MP, and visited the Houses of Parliament to experience political life and what a political career would consist of. It also demonstrated to her what politics was like in a woman’s shoes… this encouraged her to pursue a further line of life in politics. Ergo, she chose Politics and International Relations at University.

When Leila was present at Sixth Form, she started to conduct an EPQ on ancient Athenian democracy; a combination of both politics and history. Although she never finished this EPQ due to the given circumstances, it opened her eyes to politics in a deeper degree, and the ways in which it inextricably ties in with history as a subject. Starting an EPQ also aided Leila in developing a taste for different forms of politics and history that she had not studied at Sixth Form, but that she could end up studying at university.

On top of this, Leila also attended the Model UN in October 2019 (see issue 1 for details) – an event that consisted wholly of politics and a link to history. Here, she had to conduct independent research on a topic and area that she had never studied before, and then present her findings in an answer to world crises. This also assisted Leila and prepared her for what uni life could entail, as she worked alone in completing the event to the best of her ability.

Despite Leila’s excitement to enter this new part of her life and experience a new way of living, the current conditions within the United Kingdom have sadly let her down and reduced the excitement of uni life for her. The virus has impacted Leila through reducing the typical university experience that she, along with all other students, should have explored. Key university events, such as freshers' week, haven’t been able to go ahead due to the social distancing restrictions and such. Not only has her new life been impacted in this way, but she’s been unable to meet other surrounding flatmates; something that all new uni students would look forward to!

BUT! It is not all doom and gloom for Leila, as her arrival at university has provided her with a completely new sense of freedom. Leila told me that “It’s a big change from sixth form, as it’s all down to you… no one is telling you that you have to do things; complete your work or properly study. Instead, you’re expected to get on with it…” Leila further goes on to say, "It’s a really good sense of independence and change of scenery…”

By Loren Withey

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